About us
We are a company founded in 1985. We specialize in the supply and distribution of highly specialized medical products throughout Mexico, promoting, demonstrating, training and selling, in both the public and private sector, high-specialty consumer materials of the Vygon® Tipromed® and Yafho® brands, with factories in France, Germany, Belgium, Italy, United States and China.
Pioneers in Mexico in training the use of high-tech catheters that prevent the destruction of the vein in newborns and the proper use of this technology in adult patients, as well as advice to reduce hospital-acquired infections. We started in 2001 the workshop for Doctors and Nurses "NO A LA VENODESTRUCCION®" (No to vein destruction) and in 2012 the theoretical- practical course of "NO A LA BACTERIEMIA®", (No to bacteremia), both endorsed by the Mexican Society of Pediatrics, A.C. These and other courses and workshops are kept up-to-date and are offered to the hospital medical areas of high specialty
Temas de interés médico:
- Vygon
- Neonatal
- Twinflo
- Bionector
- Huber needle
- Cpap boussignac
- Yafho
- Catheters
- Midline
- Smartmidline
- Neonatology
- Closed system
- Nutrisafe 2
- Fijadores - Apósitos
- Catéter Corto IV
- Catéter Mediana Duración
- Anestesiology
- Accesos Vasculares Adulto
- Oncology
- Vías Respiratorias
- No a la Venodrestrucción
- No a la Bacteriemia
- Ya me preguntaste si me lave las manos?
distribución de productos médicos de alta especialidad en todo México
venta de productos médicos guadalajara
productos médicos gdl
Vygon guadalajara
Vygon méxico
yafho méxico
yafho guadalajara
Catéteres en guadalajara
talleres médicos
cursos médicos
capacitación médica
cateterismo guadalajara
cateters méxico
catéter PICC
catéter periférico central permanente
Línea Media Segura
taller accesos vasculares
curso accesos vasculares
Disminuir la multipunción
curso terapia intravenosa
catéter venoso periférico
taller medico neonatologo
certificaciones medicas
Closed system
Bolsa Neonatal
Alimentación Enteral 100% Segura
Fijadores - Apósitos
Catéter Corto IV
Accesos Vasculares Adulto
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